E-learning in Pharmacy Education: what do we know about it?
I denne systematiske oversikten har forfatterne fokusert på bruken av e-læring i farmasiutdannelsen. Målet med studien er å skaffe oversikt over forskningen på feltet og identifisere tema som flere tar opp. Utgangspunktet for artikkelen er situasjonen i Brasil, men analysen er relevant også utenfor denne konteksten.
The increase and flexibilization of e-learning in Brazil has generated concern about the low capacity to ensure the quality of institutions and courses. The objective is to identify the literature on experiences of pharmaceutical e-learning. A scope review was carried out, mapping key concepts and evidence. The selected articles, without period restriction, from the Scielo, Pubmed and Scopus databases provided data on the educational level of experience, modality, workload, content delivery method, instruments used, types of topics, evaluation information and purpose of the study. There were 87 articles on preparation for subsequent classes; feedback or continuation of previous classes; to specific training; the comparison between face-to-face and distance education modalities; and distance learning. Among the subjects treated, 51,8% involved pharmaceutical clinic and 42,5 % basic science. Positive student assessment was found in more than 92 % of cases. Isolation, and deficits in social and analytical skills were negative points. Technology infrastructure can impact learning. In Brazil, the health area has manifested opposition to the use of distance education in undergraduate studies. There is no evidence on the organization of undergraduate distance courses, but there are elements indicating risks to the results of training and development of professional skills in this modality.
Denne systematiske oversikten er tilsynelatende utarbeidet på en god måte, men forfatterne kunne vært tydeligere på inklusjons- og eksklusjonskriterier. Det er ikke foretatt noen kvalitetsvurdering av de inkluderte artiklene fordi målet med studien er å gi en oversikt over kunnskapen vi har om e-læring i farmasiutdannelsen.