Mobile Technology in Undergraduate Nursing Education: A Systematic Review
I denne systematiske oversikten har forfatterne undersøkt bruken av mobilteknologi i bachelorutdanningen til sykepleiere. Konklusjonen er at det ikke finnes belegg for konsistente positive effekter på sykepleierstudenters kunnskap og ferdigheter ved bruk av mobiltelefoner i undervisningen. Forfatterne argumenterer til slutt for at det trengs mer forskning på området.
Objectives: This study aimed to identify and systematically review the literature on the use of mobile technology in nursing education. The research findings could evidence the effectiveness of mobile technology in undergraduate nursing students’ learning outcomes.
Methods: Computerized searches were conducted using the Ovid-MEDLINE, Ovid-EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and CINAHL databases for relevant primary studies and limited to those between 2000 and February 2018. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental studies published in either English or Korean were included and critically appraised using Joanna Briggs Institute tools.
Results: Seven RCTs and 7 quasi-experimental studies were identified. The mobile device and intervention applied varied throughout all the studies. Studies published earlier in the 2000s found that immediate access to clinical and pharmacological referencing information through the mobile device increased students’ efficacy in clinical practice. Later studies, which were mostly conducted in Korea, reported that smartphone-based applications could promote nursing students’ learning motivation and satisfaction but not their clinical skills and knowledge.
Conclusions: We still seem to be in the beginning stage of implementing mobile technology in nursing education due to the limited implication of mobile technology and inconsistent research conclusions. In the future, rigorous primary empirical studies are needed to suggest the effective use of mobile devices in nursing education.
Denne systematiske oversikten er tilsynelatende utarbeidet på en god måte og forfatterne har vært forholdsvis tydelig på metoden de har brukt for å utarbeide oversikten. Forfatterne definerer inklusjons- og eksklusjonskriterier tydelig og inkluderer et PRISMA-diagram som viser de ulike stegene i søkeprosessen. De har kun inkludert randomiserte kontrollerte studier og kvasieksperimentelle studier. Resultatene er oppsummert narrativt uten noen begrunnelse for hvorfor det ikke er gjennomført meta-analyse. Forfatterne har vurdert den metodologiske kvaliteten til de inkluderte studiene, men det er litt uklart hvordan denne vurderingen brukes i artikkelen.