Strategies for sustaining and enhancing nursing students’ engagement in academic and clinical settings: a narrative review
I denne bredt anlagte systematiske oversikten undersøker forfatterne ulike læringsstrategier som brukes til å øke sykepleiestudenters faglige engasjement. Læringsstrategiene begrenser seg ikke til digitale strategier, men de digitale strategiene gis stor plass i artikkelen. Selv om målet med artikkelen først og fremst er å lage en oversikt over ulike læringsverktøy konkluderer forfatterne med at studentene foretrakk strategier som innebar bruk av teknologi og simulering.
Students’ engagement in academic-related learning activities is one of the important determinants of students’ success. Identifying the best teaching strategies to sustain and promote nursing students’ engagement in academic and clinical settings has always been a challenge for nurse educators. Hence, it is essential to provide a set of strategies for maintaining and enhancing the academic engagement of nursing students. The purpose of this review was to explore and summarize the strategies that nurse educators use to sustain and promote nursing students’ engagement in academic and clinical settings. A narrative literature review was conducted. CINAHL (nursing content), ProQuest, Medline, the Cochrane, Google Scholar, and Scopus were searched. Of 1,185 retrieved articles, 32 teaching strategies were identified and extracted from the nursing literature. We used thematic analysis approach to organize these strategies into five main categories as follows: technology-based strategies (15 articles), collaborative strategies (10 articles), simulation-based strategies (two articles), research-based strategies (two articles), and miscellanea learning strategies (three articles). As a general comment, these strategies have the potential to promote nursing students’ engagement. Among the strategies discussed in this review, the use of technology, particularly the response system and online learning, was more common among nursing educators, which is in line with today’s advances in smart technologies. The collection presented in this review can be used as a starting point for future research to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on the academic engagement of nursing students. Nevertheless, due to the lack of experimental studies, the optimal strategies remain to be elucidated through future high-quality experimental study.
Denne systematiske oversikten er tilsynelatende utarbeidet på en god måte og forfatterne har vært forholdsvis tydelig på metoden de har brukt for å utarbeide oversikten. En PRISMA-figur dokumenterer de ulike stegene i søkeprosessen, men både forskningsspørsmålet og inklusjons- og eksklusjonskriterier kunne vært tydeligere definert. Det er ikke gjennomført noen vurdering av den metodologiske kvaliteten til de inkluderte studiene. Det begrunnes med at målet er å gi en omfattende oversikt over læringsstrategier for å øke sykepleierstudentenes faglige engasjement. Tematisk analyse ble brukt for å analysere de inkluderte studiene. Beskrivelsen av funnene virker veloverveid.