Exploring the use of asynchronous online discussion in health care education: A literature review
I denne systematiske oversikten har forfatteren fokusert på bruken av online diskusjon i utdanning av helsefagarbeidere. Artikkelen er spesielt interessant fordi den gir en god oversikt over viktige faktorer som må vurderes hvis en skal bruke online diskusjon i utdanning, samtidig som den er tydelig på at vi trenger mer forskning for å vite hvilke faktorer som faktisk påvirker læring positivt.
This paper highlights the different options associated with asynchronous online discussion (AOD) use health care education which may have an impact on their effectiveness. The review was carried out following a search of specific databases, websites, key journals, references and key authors. All studies published between 2006 and 2012 that met specific inclusion/exclusion criteria were subject to quality appraisal. Fourteen studies met the quality appraisal criteria: six qualitative, four quasi-experimental, one observational and three mixed methods. Data extraction coupled with narrative synthesis enabled the description of options that emerged and exploration of the relationship within and between studies. Study design as well as methodological quality was mixed. However, several useful factors emerged which may impact on effectiveness. These include (a) the mode of e-moderation (b) provision of AOD for participants in the clinical setting to critically reflect, analyse and resolve clinical issues and (c) increased amount of time spent reading the AOD (but not the number of discussion ‘hits’). Research in this area appears to be in its infancy and one of the main recommendations is that further studies are requires which focus on comparing the same type of AOD with and without a specific intervention in order to make any robust conclusions.
Denne systematiske oversikten er utarbeidet på en god måte og forfatteren har vært tydelig på metoden som er brukt for å utarbeide oversikten. Kvaliteten på de inkluderte studiene er vurdert og blir brukt aktivt i fremstilling og diskusjon av resultatene.