A Meta-Analysis of the Educational Effectiveness of Three-Dimensional Visualization Technologies in Teaching Anatomy
I denne metaanalysen har forfatterne sammenlignet bruk av tredimensjonal visualiseringsteknologi (3DVT) med annen type undervisning i anatomi. Forfatterne konkluderer med at 3DVT er bedre enn andre typer undervisning, og at studentenes tilfredshet også er høyere sammenlignet med andre undervisningsmetoder. En svakhet med analysen, som forfatterne selv trekker frem, er at den inkludere få studier som sammenligner 3DVT med disseksjon.
Many medical graduates are deficient in anatomy knowledge and perhaps below the standards for safe medical practice. Three-dimensional visualization technology (3DVT) has been advanced as a promising tool to enhance anatomy knowledge. The purpose of this review is to conduct a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of 3DVT in teaching and learning anatomy compared to all teaching methods. The primary outcomes were scores of anatomy knowledge test expressed as factual or spatial knowledge percentage means. Secondary outcomes were perception scores of the learners. Thirty-six studies met the inclusion criteria including 28 (78%) randomized studies. Based on 2,226 participants including 2,128 from studies with comparison groups, 3DVTs (1) resulted in higher (d = 0.30, 95%CI: 0.002-0.62) factual knowledge, (2) yielded significant better results (d = 0,50, 95%CI: 0.20-0.80) in spatial knowledge acquisition, and (3) produced significant increase in user satisfaction (d = 0.28, 95%CI =0.12-0.44) and in learners’ perception of the effectiveness of the learning tool (d = 0.28, 95%CI = 0.14-0.43). The total mean scores (out of five) and ±SDs for QUESTS’s Quality and Strength dimensions were 4.38 (±SD 1.3) and 3.3 (±SD 1.7), respectively. The results have high internal validity, for the improved outcomes of 3DVTs compared to other methods of anatomy teaching. Given that anatomy teaching and learning in the modern medical school appears to be approaching a crisis, 3DVT can be a potential solution to the problem of inadequate anatomy pedagogy.
Denne systematiske oversikten er utarbeidet på en god måte og forfatterne har vært tydelig på metoden de har brukt for å utarbeide oversikten. De inkluderer kun studier som det er mulig å gjøre statistiske metaanalyser på og anvender også Kirkpatricks modell for å vurdere de ulike studiene.
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