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Effectiveness of High-Fidelity Patient Simulation in Teaching Clinical Reasoning Skills
I denne systematiske oversikten har forfatterne sammenlignet effekten av simulering ved hjelp av high-fidelity manikins med andre undervisningsmetoder i utdanning innenfor klinisk resonnering for sykepleiestudenter. Studien finner ikke belegg for at dette didaktiske virkemidlet er mer effektivt enn andre verktøy. Forfatterne mener dette muligens kan tilskrives at metoden har vært i bruk i kortere tid enn mer tradisjonelle undervisningsmetoder
Background: High-fidelity patient simulation (HFPS) has been increasingly used in nursing education more than the last two decades. Yet, minimal studies have been done to investigate its effectiveness in teaching clinical reasoning skills to undergraduate nursing students.
Method: This study evaluated the effectiveness of using HFPS in teaching clinical reasoning skills to undergraduate nursing students and a comparison with other teaching methods. Keyword searches were conducted in six databases for randomized and quasi-randomized controlled studies. Two independent reviewers assessed the eligibility and methodological quality of the studies and performed data extraction.
Results: Of the 11 studies included in this review, 7 investigated the effectiveness of using HFPS on knowledge acquisition, 4 examined skill performance and 2 investigated critical thinking. The results indicated a lack of statistically significant difference in the learning outcomes from HFPS versus traditional modalities and low-fidelity simulation.
Conclusion: This systematic review reveals a lack of support for the hypothesis that the use of HFPS is more effective than other teaching methods in teaching clinical reasoning skills to undergraduate nursing students.
Denne studien synes å være godt dokumentert og metodisk solid. Bakgrunn, problemstilling og sentrale begrep er tydelig definert, og metodisk fremgangsmåte er tansparent og begrunnet.