The Use of Social Media in Interprofessional Education: Systematic Review
I denne systematiske oversikten har forfatterne fokusert på bruken av sosiale medier i tverrfaglig utdanning i helsefagene. Det vektlegges spesielt muligheten sosiale medier gir til å få til undervisning på tross av utfordringer med å finne tid og passende lokaler. Sosiale medier gir stor fleksibilitet og artikkelen har informasjon om ulike plattformer som kan brukes.
Background: The implementation of interprofessional education (IPE) activities into health care education is a challenge for many training programs owing to time and location constraints of both faculty and learners. The integration of social media into these IPE activities may provide a solution to these problems.
Objective: This review of the published literature aims to identify health care IPE activities using social media.
Methods: The authors searched 5 databases (from the beginning coverage date to May 27, 2017) using keywords related to IPE and social media. Teams of 2 authors independently reviewed the search results to identify peer-reviewed, English language papers reporting on IPE activities using social media. They assessed the study quality of identified papers using the Medical Education Research Study Quality Instrument.
Results: A total of 8 studies met the review’s inclusion criteria. Of the 8 papers, 3 had single-group, posttest-only study design; 4 had single-group, pre- and posttest design; and 1 had nonrandomized 3-group design. Qualitative and quantitative outcome measures showed mixed results with the majority of student feedback being positive.
Conclusions: Despite a need for additional research, this review suggests that the use of social media may aid the implementation of health care IPE.
Denne systematiske oversikten er tilsynelatende utarbeidet på en god måte. Forfatterne har gjennomført en kvalitetsvurdering av de inkluderte studiene, men det er uklart hvordan dette har påvirket konklusjonene i artikkelen.