Use of mobile devices in nursing student-nurse teacher cooperation during the clinical practicum: An integrative review

Publikasjonsår : 2015 | Innleggsdato: 2021-03-08
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I denne systematiske oversikten har forfatterne undersøkt forskningen som er gjort på samarbeidet mellom sykepleierstudenter og sykepleielærer under klinisk praksis. Analysen deles inn i tre hovedtema som handler om funksjoner ved mobile enheter, nytte av mobile enheter og barrierer for bruk av mobile enheter. Forfatterne skriver til slutt noen anbefalinger for hvordan mobile enheter kan brukes på en god måte og om hva den videre forskningen bør fokusere på.

Forfattere: Strandell-Laine C, Stolt M, Leino-Kilpi H, Saarikoski M
År: 2015
Kilde: Nurse Education Today, 35(3):493–499

Objectives: To identify and appraise study findings on the use of mobile devices, in particular for what purposes and how, in nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation during the clinical practicum. 

Data Sources: A systematic literature search was conducted using the PubMed/Medline, CINAHL, PsycINFO and ERIC for primary empirical studies published in English. 

Review Methods: An integrative literature review was undertaken. Quality appraisal of the included studies was conducted using design-specific standardized checklists. Studies were thematically analyzed. 

Results: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, eleven studies were included in the review. Weaknesses in designs, samples, questionnaires and results, compromised comparison and/or generalization of the findings of the studies. Three main themes were identified: (1) features of mobile devices (2) utility of mobile devices and (3) barriers to the use of mobile devices. Problems of connectivity were the main challenges reported in the use of mobile devices. Participants used mobile devices primarily as reference tools, but less frequently as tools for reflection, assessment or cooperation during the clinical practicum. Interest in mobile device use during the clinical practicum was reported, but training and ongoing support are needed. 

Conclusions: As only a small number of eligible primary empirical studies were found, it is not possible to draw firm conclusions on the results. In the future, rigorous primary empirical studies are needed to explore the potential of mobile devices in providing a supplementary pedagogical method in nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation during the clinical practicum. Robust study designs, including experimental ones, are clearly needed to assess the effectiveness of mobile devices in nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation during the clinical practicum. 

Metodisk kvalitetsvurdering:

Denne systematiske oversikten er utarbeidet på en god måte og forfatterne har vært tydelig på metoden de har brukt for å utarbeide oversikten. Inklusjons- og eksklusjonskriterier er tydelig definert i teksten og de ulike stegene i søkeprosessen dokumenteres blant annet med en informativ figur. Forfatterne har gjort en grundig vurdering av den metodologiske kvaliteten til de inkluderte studiene, men bruker vurderingen i liten grad i analysen. De inkluderte studiene er analysert ved bruk av tematisk analyse.

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